Robotics continues to be a significant focus of research and development in AI. Following previous years, robotics will feature as part of the IJCAI program. The purpose of the showcase is to highlight current research and development being carried out in robotics by universities and research institutions as well as showcasing some of the platforms currently being used. This year’s robotics showcase feature three events:
1. RoboCup Standard Platform League exhibition tournament.
The RoboCup Standard Platform league is a humanoid robot soccer competition using the SoftBank Nao robot. Matches will be played on a regular basis in the main foyer.
2. Robotics demonstrations.
Several universities and research organisations will be providing demonstrations of their robot platforms. This event is located in room 208 of the convention centre and runs during the exhibition program. It provides an opportunity for delegates to interact directly with researchers from these organisations.
3. Robotics video program.
International research and development in robotics are highlighted through a series of videos. These videos are displayed in both the main foyer and alongside the robotics demonstrations in room 208. They run in a continuous loop during the conference.